Taylor Technologies S-1402 Spa Test Strips

The Taylor Technologies S-1402 Spa test strips include total bromine or total chlorine, pH, total alkalinity, and total hardness—a complete check of the aspects needed to keep spa water clean and comfortable.

$17.43 CAD

SKU: S-1402 Category:

The Taylor Technologies S-1402 Bromine test strips include total bromine or total chlorine, pH, total alkalinity, and total hardness—a complete check of the aspects needed to keep spa water clean and comfortable.

Bromine Test Strips

  • Total Bromine 0–20 ppm
  • pH 6.4–8.4
  • Total Alkalinity 0–240 ppm
  • Total Hardness 0–800 ppm
  • 50 strips in shake dispenser bottle: S-1402

For Accurate Test Strip Results

  • Limit exposure to air.
  • Keep strips dry before use.
  • Don’t touch the pads.
  • Collect sample water 18" below the water surface.
  • Don’t flick off excess water.
  • Let correct amount of time elapse for starting and completing the readings.
  • Read test values in the order given.
  • Prevent reagents running between pads by holding strip horizontal to the ground when comparing colors.
  • For best results, test in bright daylight conditions without shadow or glare.
  • Color match salt test strips out of direct sunlight.
  • Don’t use strips past the best by date.

Test Strip Shelf Life

As with all perishables, test strips are sensitive to environmental influences and will last longer under controlled conditions. To this end, we recommend:

  • Storing test strips at a consistent temperature in the range of 36°–85°F (2°–29°C); storing test strips in a refrigerator can prolong the shelf life, but the bottle must be warmed to room temperature before opening to avoid condensation.   
  • Keeping them out of prolonged direct sunlight.
  • Segregating test strips from containers of treatment chemicals.
  • Replacing bottle lids immediately to reduce exposure to air and humidity.

Taylor formulates its test strips to remain effective for two years, the only exception being Salt test strips which last one year. As a general precaution, replace all test strips more than one year old, or at the beginning of a new testing season.